Thursday, October 14, 2004

Pantaloons/ Do it for Jodi!

Thanksgiving was pretty awesome. Andrew came to Montreal and then we went to the O-Twat to see my extended family, eat a ton of turkey and sleep.

Andrew is thinking of Canadianizing himself soon. Since Bush might actually get a second term, I can't believe more Yankee folk aren't doing the same.

Andrew hasn't started to talk funny from being in Boston yet, but I know it's only a matter of time before he stops being able to say stuff like "car" and "chowder", so it's imperative that he come back to Montreal soon. That, and I like to see him. He even helped me clean up cat poo a few days ago, so he's a keeper.

My Family, for all their foibles, is pretty damn good to me. On this trip I left Ottawa with: a pumpkin from the garden, some more lighter fluid for the little habachi mom gave me last time I saw her, vaccuum cleaner bags, assorted other stuff and Pantaloons - my new cat.

Pantaloons had been living with my dad and step-mother and their two other cats and two dogs for a while. She hates the other cats and spent most of her time outside or hiding behind the washing machine from them. Not smart seeing as how that's where she always hid, so they knew where to find her.

So now she's living with me and Denise.
Aside from the pooing in the cage incident on the way here, she's doing pretty well. Denise and
I are completely obsessed with her and her fluffy ways. We're trying to train her to be less annoying using squirt guns, but no success yet- she was outside my bedroom door meowing and scratching at 6:30 this morning. Just 'cause she's bored. She's officially the cutest thing ever.

I realize I have now crossed the line...not only do I have a blog, but I use it to talk about my cat. Just wait until I'm done all my papers - I'll start sewing her little outfits or something even more crazy-cat-lady-ish.

EWWWW! George Bush is on TV! His plan for dealing with the healthcare crisis is to personally forgo a flu shot and to ask other healthy people to do the same.
C'mon Kerry, GET HIM!
Hey, someone's been teaching him new words! "Rhetoric", "Litany" he doens't know what that means. Way to flip him off Denise! Who is voting for this dumbass? C'mon crazy people with guns....isn't anyone interested in impressing Jodi Foster anymore?

Pantaloons will calm me down. Serenity now...serenity now.


At 11:28 p.m., Blogger D said...

So, I'm slacking now, when I really should be creating web sites for school credit. Unfortunately, I don't think my instructor will accept my web blog as school work (everyone else should check it out: I'm sitting here, with you, watching the stupid Yankees and the Great Sox in game two. I know ... baseball, but now that hockey appears to be kaput for the season, I need some sport to fill the void. Which reminds me, I will turn Pantaloons into a fan of the Edmonton Eskimos!!!


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